If you are getting ready to go to law school, you likely have a number of concerns, in addition to excitement about your upcoming studies. The law school process is intensive but can be very rewarding. If you also have Asperger’s, you may have additional concerns about what your experience will be like and how the learning environment will meet your needs. The attorneys at Sklare Law Group know the challenges faced by students with Asperger’s, and we want to contribute to the education of a winning student this year.
We are providing a $750 scholarship to a student attending or enrolled to attend DePaul University College of Law in the 2017-2018 academic year. The applicant must be prepared to show evidence of Asperger’s diagnosis and must submit the requested essay for our attorneys to review.
The essay process and requirements:
- No longer than 800 words
- Subject is the role Asperger’s has played in your education, how you have thrived and what your goals are for a career in law
- Essay must be submitted online by September 5, 2017
If you are interested, please review the full details and instructions on our scholarships page.
The experienced Chicago attorneys at the Sklare Law Group are passionate about their chosen profession. They want to foster and promote the education of tomorrow’s lawyers and legal professionals. Please feel free to call our office to learn more about us, at 1-800-LAW-0300.