Motorist safety tips:
- Be on the lookout for bicyclists and pedestrians
- Always check crosswalks before making a turn
- Check your mirrors and blind spot before merging or turning
- Don’t drive distracted
- Remember that bicyclists and pedestrians have a right to use roads and sidewalks
Bicyclist safety tips:
- Always wear a helmet
- Wear brightly colored and reflective clothing
- Follow the rules of the road and ride in a predictable manner
- Signal your intention to turn or merge into another lane
- Travel in the same direction as vehicles
- Don’t expect motorists to see you – ride defensively
- Check over your shoulder if you are turning or crossing into another lane
Pedestrian safety tips:
- Use sidewalks whenever they are available
- In the absence of a sidewalk, walk facing traffic and get as far off the roadway as possible
- Wear bright clothing
- Make eye contact with motorists who you think have stopped for you
- Use intersections and crosswalks to cross the street
- Obey walk signals and travel in a predictable way
- Be alert for motorists leaving driveways and parking lots
- Be alert for motorists turning left or right into your path of travel
Unfortunately, accidents sometimes occur. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, or a crash as a bicyclist or pedestrian, please call Sklare Law Group, at 312-263-0771, for a complimentary consultation. Our experienced attorneys tirelessly pursue full compensation on our clients’ behalves.